
Friday, June 4, 2010

When in Rome, do as the Romans do…

The other day I read an article : “Indian,anyone” in The Hindu magazine about Indian dresses becoming more like a costume… How true … One hardly sees youngsters wearing a dhoti or other traditional wear.. I agree, clothes are more about comfort than anything else..But I don’t think people try to squeeze themselves in uber tight jeans for comfort…

Everyone’s trying to fit into the so called “modern ” era by wearing western clothes… Rather than doing that let’s be modern in our thinking and ways…While India always boasts of having a unique culture, here we are trying to copy some westerners and gradually losing our identity in the process…

Okay I do wear western clothes but I don’t ignore our traditional dresses nor do I smirk at those wearing a Salwar or saree.., I’ve seen many people doing the latter..People wearing traditional Indian clothes are branded snobs, ‘pazham’(you what this is of you are a tamil), etc…, Believe it or not this is the gritty truth..

Anyway, the point is next time you go to a party or a function trying wearing Indian clothes.. They’re cool too, you know….

Language – Just a medium

To begin with I love Chetan Bhagat’s novels and enjoy them so much..I think he is a great author.. But my sis doesn’t think so..This often is a topic of debate between us… Unlike my sis, for me language is just a medium for conveying your thoughts and it needn’t be all bombastic. One can convey great things with just simple words..Although it may not be what you call “Literature” material , at least it just indulges people into the pleasure of reading. For instance, I wasn’t a avid book reader or anything until I read Harry Potter. I was one of those people who branded books only for nerds.

It was HP which made me realise that pleasure of reading. I dunno why people don’t understand that books aren’t only about posh words and stuffs.. Take for instance my high school english teacher.. She always said “Books like Harry Potter will just fade into oblivion.. It won’t be a classic”.. Everytime she says that I feel like , “Okay.. What is not there in HP? It’s got a wonderful plot, characterization, allusions, symbolisms and all kinds of stuffs blah blah blah blah”..

One may think I’m obsessed with ‘light’ novels.. Well here comes the reason… I read “God of small things” with a hope that these booker novels will be wonderful..But the book left me in a state of complete nausea and I kinda started hating the person who gave it to me.. (I’m not generalizing)

So, why don’t you give these not-so-much-of-a-literature books a try rather than criticizing even before reading them..

That unfinished drink…

Whenever I see someone shooing off a beggar or insult them I get really furious …But I for one never ever thought I’d do something like that…. In my defence it was a really tiring day and I was in a tetchy mood.. I was coming back from my maths tuition feeling rrrreallly thirsty…But I didn’t have a single penny to my account..With borrowed money (from the person whom I never expected to help me) I bought a Fanta … I enjoyed the drink inspite of the dingy shop I was in… Nothing was worth noticing there except for a pair of ancient biscuit tins… But something (someone) caught my eyes…She was a small girl (visibly not well fed) barely six or seven years…She had a ragged appearance but it wasn’t that which intrigued me… It was that longing look she gave me… or rather at my Fanta…I duuno why but something prevented my giving it to her… Instead I moved away from her sight… I didn’t want those eyes staring at me while I was finishing my drink…But then the realization of what a cheap thing I’d done didn’t let me drink any further… Ashamed at myself I kept it on the counter…That unfinished drink

Lord of the Flies

It’s been a long time since i read a “good” book…I’m always a victim of crappy “Booker” novels or long boring books in the name of “Classics”…(All right.. I know some bookworms out there are smirking at me)….Anyway recently I finished reading Lord of the Flies by William Golding…woa.. Now that’s what I call a classic….It’s a common phenomenon that people are left depressed after reading this book.. Although the same thing happened to me , it left a huge mark on me…

“Ralph wept for the end of innocence, the darkness of man’s heart, and the fall through the air of the true, wise friend called Piggy.”
That single line gave me a sleepless night…Have you ever wished for a chance to remain like Peter Pan ? or atleast a chance to grow up again? I’m sure you will feel it after reading this book…The protagonist Ralph’s transition from a confident child leader to a crumbling man was the highlight of the book….. The novel subtly brought out the ironic fact that Man forms rules and regulations in the name of a “Civilization” only to end up being miserably wrong..

Anyway I have a lot more to say about this book but right now I’m studying for my class test(duh!) …so bye for now..

P.S: For people who've had the misfortune of reading this blog, please bear with me for using excessive quotes and anyways… This is my first post… :)

Hello world!

At last it feels like I’m in 21st century ….